Where to turn to for help
The internet is a fantastic place for children to learn, create and have fun, but they may occasionally have to deal with a variety of sometimes challenging issues.
These might include cyberbullying, the pressure to take part in sexting, encouragement to self-harm, viewing pornography, along with various others. But there are positive things you can do to equip yourself and your child, support them in resolving any issue they may face.
Internet Matters has created a number of advice hubs to help you learn more and deal with these issues with your child. In each advice hub you'll find specific information about the issue, tips on how to talk about the issue with your child, recommended expert resources, and practical advice on the positive actions you can take.
Where to report
If you're worried about anything you or your child come across online, we'd advise you to report it immediately to the relevant organisation and to the site where you or your child saw it. There are also organisations who can offer advice:
Get advice on specific issues
Internet Matters has online issue advice pages, where you can find advice on specific issues:
You can also get support and talk to other parents on forums such as Mumsnet, Parent Zone, Netmums and Family Lives.
If you're worried about anything you or your child come across online, we'd advise you to report it immediately to the relevant organisation and to the site where you or your child saw it.